Our Superintendent

Phone: (208) 878-6600
Email: milsandr@cassiaschools.org
Mrs. Sandra Miller
I am a native of the Mini-Cassia area. I attended grade school in the Cassia County system and am a product of local education. I earned a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction and continued my education to acquire an Education Specialist in Educational Leadership. I have been in education for 36 years.
Throughout my career I have served in a number of capacities: classroom teacher, athletic director, building level administrator, federal programs director, student achievement and school improvement director, curriculum director, assistant superintendent, and superintendent.
Education is my passion, and I feel very privileged to spend my days advocating for students and staff in an effort to make a difference for all stakeholders. I love the Mini-Cassia area and the support education receives from the caring, generous parents, patrons, business owners, and community members. I believe that all children can and will learn if given the opportunities and resources. I also believe that together we can ensure the success of our students.
I am happily married to Jay Miller. We have two children, Taylee and Bronson, and four grandsons Keagan, Rawlins, Elijah, and Sloan.