State Indicators of Achievement
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This measure shows the relative percentage of Idaho students whose performance was assessed as Basic or better in the 2017 National Assessment for Education Progress (NAEP) compared to peers in other states. In 4th grade reading, six states did better than Idaho by that measure, 19 came in lower and 26 other states fared about the same as Idaho. In 8th grade reading, only two states did better than Idaho, 31 fared worse and 18 scored about the same. In 4th grade math, 11 states came out ahead of Idaho, 19 were behind Idaho and 22 did about the same. In 8th grade math, six states did better than Idaho, 26 did worse and 20 fared about the same. Results were released in April 2018 as “the Nation’s Report Card.”
This US News & World Report study showed 55.2 percent of Idaho students met SAT or ACT benchmarks, placing Idaho fifth in the nation for college-ready students. Students performed particularly well (63 percent) in meeting the writing benchmark.
3 National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships: “Dual Enrollment in Public High Schools by State,” 2015-16
Among all U.S. states, only Indiana and Iowa had a higher percentage of students taking dual credit courses than Idaho in 2015-16, according to this report. The difference was small – 23% and 22.5% compared to Idaho’s 21%. Since then, Idaho has greatly increased its investment in helping students pay for dual credit, participation has increased, and the state may rank even higher in future national comparisons. The same study found 86.9 percent of Idaho high schools offered dual enrollment as of 2015-16, placing 10th among all states and posting a significantly higher percentage than neighboring states. Only four states – Iowa, South Carolina, Hawaii and Georgia – reported 90 percent or more of their high schools offered dual enrollment.
Across Idaho, 80.65 percent of high school students in the Class of 2018 graduated within four years, up from 79.67 percent in 2017. It’s the first time that percentage has exceeded 80 percent. What’s more, 90 out of Idaho’s 210 high schools graduated 90 percent or more of their students in four years, and 18 schools posted 100 percent graduation rates.
The 2018 in Review report from Idaho Career & Technical Education shows a statewide CTE course enrollment of nearly 94,000, with 96 percent of high school students in CTE programs graduating.
6 In 2017-18, 25,085 high school students earned a total of 184,794 college credits while in high school.
Final 2018 results for the Idaho Standards Achievement Test show a general improvement in proficiency in both Mathematics and English Language Arts since 2015, the first year of the assessment. The percentage of students who scored in the highest category, advanced, increased steadily over the four years.