Mrs. Jacoby Sneddon

Jacoby Sneddon is joining Dworshak Elementary after serving five years as the Vice Principal at White Pine Elementary. Mrs. Sneddon has enjoyed working with and getting to know the amazing staff, students and parents while at White Pine. In her time at White Pine,  Mrs. Sneddon proudly implemented the School Therapy Dog program and is the owner, trainer and handler of her three Therapy Dogs, Selly, Whittie and Bose, which are Miniature Golden Doodles.  

Prior to her career in Administration, Mrs. Sneddon served a total of 19 years experience in education, working her way up starting as a substitute teacher, paraprofessional, Psychologist Assistant/Behavior Tech., Resource-Special Ed. Teacher, College/Career Counselor, and GEAR UP Coordinator/Grant Manager.

Mrs. Sneddon received her undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice from Boise State University and served a number of years as a Juvenile Probation Officer, specializing in Children’s Mental Health. Upon making the decision to return to education, Mrs. Sneddon received her Masters of Education (M.Ed.) in Special Education in 2015, and completed her Executive Education Specialist (Ed.S), with a Superintendent/Administration certification, as well as her Special Education Director certification from Boise State in 2018.

Mrs. Sneddon is passionate about the success of all kids and loves the rewards of being able to connect with, and inspire children to believe in themselves. Mrs. Sneddon is a firm believer in the PLC process and the benefits that it can have on all students. Additionally, she is looking forward to joining the team at Dworshak Elementary, and hopes to continue to promote a passion and love for student success and achievement.