Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Cassia County School District app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app on May 17th. Download for Android : Download for iPhone :
5 months ago, Cassia County School District
January 17, 2024: Cassia County School District values the safety of our students and staff, and attempts to consider all factors prior to making any decisions regarding school delays or closures. When making a decision, the school district first works closely with the highway departments in each of our four communities: Burley, Declo, Malta, and Oakley. This is because they are the experts in road conditions, and the district values their input. They drive the roads very early and try to determine safety for buses. Once the highway departments have assessed road conditions, they communicate with the school district transportation department, who then communicates with the school district superintendent. In addition, the school district also monitors the weather conditions through their partnerships with local weather sources, as well as considers a number of other important factors, such as child care for parents who must go to work, food insecure children, and children who might be left unsupervised at home if they are not in school. Once all this information is gathered, the superintendent then confers with the school board chairman, and a decision is made based on the information available. Because Cassia County School District is so geographically diverse, the same decision may not be made district-wide. Also, weather conditions change rapidly in Cassia County, which may at times cause the school district to re-evaluate and dismiss students earlier than normal. Whenever possible, the school district does attempt to make the call by 6:00am when weather is questionable. January 17, 2024: El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Cassia valora la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal e intenta considerar todos los factores antes de tomar cualquier decisión con respecto a retrasos o cierres escolares. Al tomar una decisión, el distrito escolar primero trabaja estrechamente con los departamentos de carreteras de cada una de nuestras cuatro comunidades: Burley, Declo, Malta y Oakley. Esto se debe a que son los expertos en las condiciones de las carreteras y el distrito valora sus aportaciones. Conducen por las carreteras muy temprano y tratan de determinar la seguridad de los autobuses. Una vez que los departamentos de carreteras han evaluado las condiciones de las carreteras, se comunican con el departamento de transporte del distrito escolar, quien luego se comunica con el superintendente del distrito escolar. Además, el distrito escolar también monitorea las condiciones climáticas a través de sus asociaciones con fuentes climáticas locales, así como también considera una serie de otros factores importantes, como el cuidado infantil para los padres que deben ir a trabajar, niños con inseguridad alimentaria y niños que podrían ser dejados sin supervisión en casa si no están en la escuela. Una vez que se recopila toda esta información, el superintendente consulta con el presidente de la junta escolar y se toma una decisión basada en la información disponible. Debido a que el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Cassia es tan diverso geográficamente, es posible que no se tome la misma decisión en todo el distrito. Además, las condiciones climáticas cambian rápidamente en el condado de Cassia, lo que en ocasiones puede causar que el distrito escolar reevalúe y despida a los estudiantes antes de lo normal. Siempre que sea posible, el distrito escolar intenta hacer la llamada antes de las 6:00 am cuando el clima es cuestionable.
9 months ago, Jennifer Woodbury
January 17, 2024: Due to reports of drifted roads by the Highway District Patrol, Oakley Elementary and Oakley High School will participate in a remote learning day from home. All other Cassia County schools will be in normal session as of right now. Should circumstances change, we will notify everyone as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we navigate this ever-changing weather and the diversity of the landscape of our district. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at and we will be happy to respond. January 17. 2024: Debido a los informes de carreteras desviadas por parte de la Patrulla del Distrito de Carreteras, Oakley Elementary y Oakley High School participarán en un día de aprendizaje remoto desde casa. Todas las demás escuelas del condado de Cassia estarán en sesión normal a partir de ahora. Si las circunstancias cambian, se lo notificaremos a todos lo antes posible. Gracias por su comprensión y paciencia mientras navegamos por este clima siempre cambiante y la diversidad del paisaje de nuestro distrito. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con nosotros a y estaremos encantados de responderle.
9 months ago, Jennifer Woodbury
Due to severe weather, Cassia County School District's Alex Boye Concert Events scheduled for today will be cancelled. The event will be rescheduled for a later date. Once more information is available, we will share it with everyone.
9 months ago, Jennifer Woodbury
Our schools are closed today but the Sora Reading App is always open! Did you know? - We have over 2000 ebook titles - We have almost 600 audiobook titles! - We have 100 Spanish-language titles! - CCSD Students lead the state in usage of the State’s Sora Collection, which has over 21,000 titles! Learn how to access the Sora Reading App here: Add the LIBRI Systems, Inc and IDEA by ICfL collections for thousands of additional titles. Learn how here: ¡Nuestras escuelas están cerradas hoy pero la aplicación de lectura Sora siempre está abierta! ¿Sabías? - ¡Tenemos más de 2000 títulos de libros electrónicos! - ¡Tenemos casi 600 títulos de audiolibros! - ¡Tenemos 100 títulos en español! - Los estudiantes de CCSD lideran el estado en el uso de la Colección Sora del estado, ¡que tiene más de 21,000 títulos! Aprenda cómo acceder a la aplicación de lectura Sora aquí: Agregue las colecciones LIBRI Systems, Inc e IDEA by ICFL para obtener miles de títulos adicionales. Aprenda cómo aquí:
9 months ago, David Cole
January 15th 6:00 AM Due to extreme weather & road conditions, all Cassia County schools will be closed today. All students & staff will participate in a remote learning day from home. If your child is unsure of their assignments for an online learning day, please reach out to their teacher by email. Stay safe & warm! Debido al clima y las condiciones extremas de las carreteras, todas las escuelas del condado de Cassia estarán cerradas hoy. Todos los estudiantes y el personal participarán en un día de aprendizaje remoto desde casa. Si su hijo no está seguro de sus tareas para un día de aprendizaje en línea, comuníquese con su maestro por correo electrónico. ¡Manténgase seguro y abrigado!
9 months ago, Jennifer Woodbury
1/11/24 6:33 AM UPDATE: Due to weather related issues, the 11-2 Almo Malta bus route only will be canceled today. All other bus routes in Cassia County will run on their normal schedule. All Cassia County schools will start at their normal times. If parents of students riding the Malta Almo bus 11-2 are able to safely drive their students into school, they are welcome to. If not, students riding the Malta Almo bus 11-2 only will participate in an online learning day from home.
10 months ago, Jennifer Woodbury
1/11/24 5:59 AM: Due to weather related issues, there will be a 2-hour delayed start for the 11-2 Malta Almo bus route only. All other bus routes in Cassia County will run on their normal schedule. All Cassia County schools will start at their normal times. If parents of students riding the Malta Almo bus 11-2 are able to safely drive their students in to school, they are welcome to. If not, parents of students riding the Malta Almo bus 11-2 should expect the bus to pick up their child 2 hours later than their usual pick up time.
10 months ago, Jennifer Woodbury
UPDATE 1/10/24 11:55 am: There has been some confusion & misinformation moving around as to whether or not Cassia County schools will be released early today due to current weather conditions. For now, all Cassia County schools will not be released early and will follow their normal schedules. Student & Staff safety are very important to us, and we are continuing to watch the weather closely. If circumstances change and an early release becomes necessary, we will be sure to send out communications through text, phone calls, and emails to let all parents & staff members know as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at and we will be happy to respond. Thank you for all you do!
10 months ago, Jennifer Woodbury
Due to weather related issues, there will be a 2 hour delayed start for the 11-2 Malta Almo bus route only. All other bus routes will run on their normal schedule. All schools will start at their normal times. If parents of students riding the Malta Almo bus 11-2 are able to safely drive their students in to school, they are welcome to. If not, parents of students riding the Malta Almo bus 11-2 should expect the bus to pick up their child 2 hours later than their usual pick up time.
10 months ago, Jennifer Woodbury
Red Ribbon Week Dress Up Days!
about 1 year ago, Amy Despain
Red Ribbon Dress Up Days
Upcoming Food Distribution Event - August 26 from 10 am - 12 pm at 292 W 100 S, Rupert, Idaho 83350. For more information, feel free to call or text at (208)670-1553.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Woodbury
Food Distribution Event Saturday, August 26, 2023, from 10 AM-12 PM at 292 W 100 S, Rupert, Idaho
May the 4th be with you! Read the Origami Yoda series, now available in our District Sora Collection. Read or listen to these and 244 other STAR WARS titles in the IDEA by ICFL collection. See your school librarian if you need help or have questions.
over 1 year ago, David Cole
May The 4th Be With You
PARENT ENGAGEMENT SURVEY Below is a link to our annual Parent Engagement Survey that we are asking all parents of students within Cassia County School District to fill out online. This survey is sent out and required by the Idaho State Department of Education each year to all districts in the state of Idaho. Survey results are intended to help us gain feedback and insights about each of our schools. When filling out the survey, please select the school that your child attends from the drop-down menu instead of selecting Cassia County School District itself. If you have students in multiple schools, we ask that you please complete the survey once for each of the schools your children attend. Completing the survey should only take about 10 minutes or less. We appreciate your willingness to participate! Parent Engagement Survey Link:
over 1 year ago, Jennifer Woodbury
The Idaho Food Bank Mobile Pantry will be at Minico High School, 292 W 100 S, on February 25th from noon to 2:00pm. The Mobile Pantry Program distributes dry and frozen food to underserved, usually rural, communities. This program helps populations that do not have access to, or have difficulty accessing, food assistance.
over 1 year ago, David Cole
Dear Parents, During a routine inspection with the health inspector, an issue was found in White Pine’s cooler/freezer. For the health of the children in the school as well as the staff, all product was discarded. The kitchen will be temporarily closed until repairs can be made. Food Service will be transporting food from Dworshak Elementary until repairs have been made. If you need any further information, you can contact me at 208-878-6626 or Angela Rodriquez Supervisor, Child Nutrition Programs Cassia County Joint School District #151 3650 Overland Ave, Burley Idaho 83318 Phone: 208-878-6626
about 2 years ago, David Cole
Are you looking for a career in our school district? We have many job openings and we are currently looking for a Payroll and Benefits Clerk. It's a 12 month position, with benefits and retirement. Payroll and insurance background is preferred. If interested, you can call Chris James, business manager, at 208-878-6600 to discuss OR just go apply online. Check it out!
over 2 years ago, Cassia School District
Congratulations to our employees of the year! Teacher of the year, Dan Thomander, Cassia high school. Alesha Alesha Joe Stringham, classified employee, Declo Elementary. Diana Gill, Principal of the Year, White Pine Elementary. We are happy to honor them! Share your thanks and appreciation with them too!
over 2 years ago, Cassia School District
Attention Parents of Cassia Students: 2022-2023 School Registration As we are drawing to the end of this school year, we would like to let you know that the District has chosen a different path for registering students online for the school year (this is only to register for school and not for classes). The last few years the District has used a program by the name of Gateway. Starting in August, our District will start using PowerSchool online registration. Parents will login to their PowerSchool parent accounts to register their students for the 2022-2023 school year. More information will be sent out with end of year report cards in June. We strongly encourage parents to contact the school if they do not know their username or password for their parent PowerSchool login or if they do not have a parent PowerSchool account set up before the last day of school. Also, keep in mind school registration is required every year that a student is attending school and is expected to be completed before the first day of the school of each year. For more information, please contact your school secretary or counselor. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Cassia School District
We would like to welcome the following to Cassia School District in their new roles! More detailed information, on each hire, will be forthcoming! Thomas Coxson, Mountain View Elementary Jaren Wadsworth, Oakley Jr/Sr High School Brad Calvins, Cassia Regional Technical Center Branan Hardcastle, IT Director Ryan Payne, Student Services Director Deseria Leckenby, Payroll Clerk Welcome to Cassia!
over 2 years ago, Cassia School District