JVE Field Day Thursday, May 18th at John V Evans Elementary. 8:30 am through 3:15 pm. Concessions and outdoor activities: Tennis shoes, sunscreen and hat, water bottle, money for concessions, plan to get a little wet, have fun. Schedule 3/4: 8:30-10 am. Am Kinder/Newcomers: 10:15-11 am. Lunch: 11-12 pm. 1st/2nd: 12-1:30 pm. PM Kinder: 12:45-1:30 pm. 5th/6th: 1:40-3:10 pm. Parents: Volunteer with link in email or media below. Facebook John V Evans Elementary PTO. Instagram @johnvevans_pto

It is that time of year again! Field day is Thursday, May 18th. There are many fun activities planned, and we need parent volunteers! If you're available, please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/g...


3rd/4th grade: 8:30-10 AM

AM Kinder/Newcomers: 10:15-11 AM

Lunch: 11-12 PM

1st/2nd grade: 12-1:30 PM

PM Kinder: 12:45-1:30 PM

5th/6th grade: 1:40-3:10 PM

Students are encouraged to wear Tennis shoes, sunscreen, and hats since the activities will be outdoors. They should also bring a water bottle to stay hydrated, money for concessions, and plan to get a little wet. Most of all, they should come ready to have fun! 

For more information, check out the PTO pages on Facebook: John V Evans Elementary PTO or Instagram @johnvevans_pto