School Info
For Students
Cassia County School District #151
Belief Statements
1. Education is the foundation of successful and productive lives.
2. Education is essential for a strong community, state, and nation.
3. We are all life-long-learners!
4. All students can learn given a Guaranteed Viable Curriculum and passionate educators.
5. Each student is unique and has self-worth.
6. Students learn best in a positive environment.
7. Students and school personnel have a right to a safe and comfortable environment.
Our Mission
Supporting High Levels of Learning and Success
School Time Schedule
Monday - Thursday
No School on Fridays
All visitors will check into the office and receive a badge before entering the buildings and/or the playground. Please make sure to bring a valid government issued ID/driver’s license. You will enter from the main entrance and report back to the office when leaving/giving the office your visitor tag back. This system is to keep your child/staff safe.
7:40-7:55 ----Breakfast in the lunchroom
7:55 --------- School Begins
3:25 ---------School Ends
Kindergarten hours:
AM Monday-Thursday 7:55 - 11:10
PM Monday-Thursday 12:10 - 3:25
Morning Recess
Am Kinder: 9:15-9:30
3rd grade: 9:45-10:00
4th grade: 9:45-10:00
1st grade: 10:00-10:15
2nd grade: 10:00-10:15
5th grade: 10:30-10:45
Lunch time and Lunch Recess
3rd grade: 11:00 -11:40
2nd grade: 11:05-11:45
Kindergarten: 11:15-11:55
1st grade: 11:15-11:55
4th grade: 11:25-12:05
5th grade: 11:30-12:10
Afternoon Recess:
PM kinder: 1:15-1:30
5th grade: 1:45-2:00
4th grade: 1:45-2:00
1st grade: 2:00-2:15
2nd grade: 2:00-2:15
3rd grade: 2:15-2:30
Good attendance at school is an extremely important aspect of each student’s education. Faithful attendance ensures that students are receiving consistent instruction in the essential academic skills. The district’s attendance policy states that students are required to be in attendance at school at least 90% of the time that school is in session during the regular school year. The school board may deny a promotion to the next grade when a student is not in school at least 90% of the days school is in session.
We recognize the fact that absences from school may be necessary under certain conditions. However, every effort should be made by students and their parents to ensure good attendance and to limit absences and tardiness. Please make every effort to document all applicable abscesses with Dr. notes.
Our Attendance Office Personnel will send a letter home quarterly if your child goes over or is close to 10% days missed.
Excused absences are absences from school with the parent/guardian’s knowledge and consent, which may include, but are not limited to, illness, medical appointments, or death in the family, authorized school activities, or other pre-arranged absences. Unexpected absences are absences without the knowledge and consent of the student’s parent/guardian. Any student who arrives in the classroom after 8:05 is considered tardy. If the student arrives at school after 9:30, (20% of the day) they will be marked absent for the day. If a student leaves school for a period of time exceeding 1.5 hours, they will be marked absent. (Policy Number 522)
“Your child may be photographed and video recorded in our schools in the classroom, at events such as assemblies, concerts, games, etc. for use by the school, the district, parents/guardians like yourself, and the news media
In the rare circumstance that your child needs identity protection because of a criminal conviction or legal investigations around domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, etc. or because of involvement in a witness protection program, please contact the school immediately to create a plan for you and your student.
School personnel will administer first aid only. If emergency medical attention is necessary and you cannot be located, your family doctor or an emergency medical unit will be called.
Medication will be dispensed at school only in those cases where failure to take the prescribed medications would jeopardize the child’s health. Such administration shall be according to the following guidelines:
Parents must complete one copy of the form entitled, “Physician’s Medication order for School Administration” for each medication that the student is to receive, prior to administration of the medication. The form must be signed by the physician and must be renewed with each change and be returned to the school and kept on file during the term of medication. Copies of these forms may be picked up at the school office.
The medication must be in its original container with the student’s name, physician’s name, drug name, schedule of administration, dosage, and date clearly marked, and brought to the school office for storage.
Over –the-counter medication will only be dispensed if requested by a physician through the “Physician’s Medication Order for School Administration” according to the guidelines listed above.
The student should come to the office to receive his/her medication and take it in the presence of the office personnel.
According to Cassia County School District policy, any student who intentionally sells, gives, possesses, uses, or is under the influence of illegal substances in or on school property, including buses, shall be dealt with severely and reported to the proper authorities.
Doors to the school will be opened daily by 7:40 AM No earlier than 7:40 We begin supervision of our grounds at 7:40 AM each morning, unless District Transportation brings them early. It is not appropriate to have your students at school prior to the time we can adequately supervise them. All students are to leave the building at dismissal unless they are under the direct supervision of a teacher, or staff member.
Students will be dismissed at 3:20 pm Monday - Thursday. No school on Fridays. If you are picking up your child, please do so at the circular drive located in the south front parking lot of the school. Students walking home, to dance or other activities, or to the high school must leave the building through the front doors by the office and use the sidewalk.
Please be respectful to school personnel by picking up your child punctually. Student pick-up time starts at 3:20 to 3:40. If you experience a delay or emergency, please call the school secretaries to communicate your late arrival.
Occasionally it is necessary to dismiss school early because of snowstorms or other unforeseen events. Please plan ahead and make arrangements so your children will know exactly what to do if school is dismissed early. It is best to create a plan with your children before such events occur. Talk to your child and establish an emergency routine that the child should follow if they are dismissed from school early and a parent is not at home. We encourage you to try and schedule your child’s doctor, dental, dance or music lesson times around school hours. Please keep the office updated with current phone numbers.
Bicycles are to be parked in the bike rack located between the two parking lot areas on the grass in the front of the school. The school cannot be responsible for bicycles brought onto school grounds which are lost, damaged, or stolen.
Students may not utilize personal electronic devices (cell phone, Gaming systems, laptops, etc.) on school grounds unless directed by their classroom teacher or otherwise having been given permission via their IEP, 504, or Health plan.
Cell phones are not appropriate at school. If for safety reasons, you send one with your child, it must be turned off during school hours. If it is heard ringing or used during school hours, it will be confiscated until the end of the day. If repeated confiscations take place with the same student, parents will be notified and will need to pick up said cell phone.
The school is not responsible for any toys or items brought to school by students. Please have students leave these items at home.
Any item that has a strong smell such as perfume, nail polish, etc. needs to be left at home. These items can cause respiratory problems for students with allergies.
If you need to reach your child during school time, please call the office and leave a message. Your child may use the school phone to call you during recess or lunch time if necessary. If you need to contact a teacher, please call the office, leave a message for the teacher, and we will get the message to them. If you need to make arrangements for your child after school, please notify the office before 3:00 of any changes to their normal routine. Please try to have after school arrangements made prior to the school day.
Please notify the office in advance (before 3:00) and/or advise your child’s teacher if there will be a change in your child’s transportation. It is very difficult for us to know what to do with your child if we do not have a note or a phone call and they say they are supposed to do something different. If no notification is received (written note or phone call), your child will follow his/her regular method of getting home. The buses can drop students off only at regular stops. If your child needs to go to an unusual location, he/she will be dropped off at the nearest regular stop. The bus driver will need a note to let students off the bus at any different location. All elementary students will be dropped off and boarded at the elementary school only. If your child misses the bus at the elementary school, for safety reasons, he/she will not be allowed to board at the high school.
Occasionally, schools have an early closure due to unforeseen circumstances such as a sudden storm, power outage, or furnace failure. In order to ensure a child’s safety, make sure your information on file with the school is accurate and up to date. It is best to create an emergency plan with your children before such events occur. Talk to your child and establish an emergency routine the child should follow if they are dismissed early and a parent is not at home. For example, where a key is and what neighbor, relative or family friend to contact. Before your children are sent home due to an early closure, you will be notified by your child's teacher or office. Also, it is very important that you have access to all direct communication apps from your child’s teachers.
Declo’s counselor provides individual and group counseling, classroom presentations, and consultations with teachers and parents. Students may be referred for counseling by teachers, parents, or requested by students themselves. Parents may contact the counselor by calling the school office. 208-654-2391.
It is important to remember that parents will be contacted (for permission) by the counselor of any counseling activities concerning their child other than normal guidance activities or school testing programs prior to those services actually being provided.
All students within Cassia School District are eligible for more intensive counseling services through the Connect Program. These services will be provided outside of the school day with a licensed counselor for no cost to our families. For students in need this can be an amazing resource that can make all the difference. Parents may contact the counselor or principal by calling the office. 208- 654-2391
The Cassia County School District’s dress code policy states, “Freedom of student expression applies to the student’s dress and appearance, provided that it does not disrupt the educational process, or present health safety risks to the students or personnel.”
The rules of dress for Declo Elementary are based on common sense, decency, and modesty. Students will be expected, in the matters of personal attire, conduct, grooming, and appearance, to create no potential health or safety hazard, or to attract undue attention resulting in the disruption of school operation, or incite classroom disorder. As a general rule for all students:
Clothing should be clean and in good repair.
Shoes are to be worn at all times.
Hats/hoodies are not to be worn in the building. (Unless permission is obtained. i.e. “Hat Day”)
Parents, you will be contacted if there's any situation regarding Dress Code issues. Together, we will make sure that all children are safe and non-distracted within the class.
In order for the school to quickly contact parents/guardians in the event of an emergency, it is necessary for the school to have the following information on file at the school:
Home phone number; if there is no phone at home then the phone number of a neighbor who may relay a message.
Cell phone number of parents if they have one.
Name and phone number of parent/guardian’s place of employment
Name and phone number of a responsible person who may be contacted in case a parent cannot be located.
If during the school year a parent/guardian's place of employment, phone number or address changes, please notify the school in order for us to update our file-immediately.
Textbooks are provided by the school for student use during the school year. Students are responsible for care of textbooks, library books, Chromebooks, and other school equipment and property. Students may be charged for lost and damaged books and equipment.
Each grade provides a district approved supply list at the start of the school year. These class supply lists are posted yearly on our website. If any hardship exists providing these items, please notify your school principal and said resources will be provided.
Parent Teacher conferences will be scheduled for all students twice in each school year. Conferences may be arranged at any other time by contacting the teacher. This opportunity represents two scheduled meeting times where you are able to interact with your student’s teacher and understand how your students are learning. Please know that if you have any concerns about your student’s education, please contact your classroom teacher at any time.
Time Restraints:
Kindergarten and 1st Grade: No more than 15 min. nightly
2nd Grade and 3rd Grade: No more than 20 min. nightly.
4th Grade and 5th Grade: No more than 30 min. nightly.
Homework will not be utilized for the academic portions of report cards.
Parents will be afforded the right to identify homework difficulties by circling and initialing those areas. This is to communicate to teachers’ areas of needed remediation.
There will be no negative actions taken upon a student for missing homework. We will adhere to the PBIS framework when motivating and teaching students.
It is expected that teachers are judicious and purposeful when sending homework home tailor-fit to the academic needs of their class. Although specific math problems may deviate from class to class within a grade, overall homework choices should be the same. This is a PLC choice. Individual classes will reflect that choice.
The two benefits to homework are as follows:
1- Homework gives us a mode of communication to families of student progress as well as classroom current focus.
2- Homework can give an opportunity for practice and or recall.
School pictures are taken by a professional photographer in the fall in order to be available by Christmas. Retakes are scheduled after the original orders have been returned. We also have class/Spring pictures taken in March/April.
Heelies, Wheelies, Skateboards, roller blades, water guns, toys and novelty items such as rubber knives and toy guns, any item that could be a weapon! We have also seen an abundance of BeyBlades and Pokemon Cards.
Discipline is an integral and important part of the educational process. Students should display good manners, honesty and integrity. We follow the Declo Way. This includes being Respectful, Responsible, and Kind.
The objective of any corrective action should be to have the student accept the consequence as a just and inevitable result of his/her behavior. It also helps to ensure that students make responsible decisions about their behavior that protects the rights of students, teachers, and school officials, and maintains the continuity of the educational process. Students are also expected to abide by all federal, state, and local laws.
Corrective actions could include but are not limited to, Parental/guardian notification, Detention, Restitution, In-school suspension, Out-of-school suspension, and police notification. (If the breaking of a civil law is involved) Expulsion from school requires School Board action.
Students involved in physical fighting may receive suspension. Second and subsequent offenses may result in suspension(s) of increased length subject to the limitations of District Policy.
All children and staff at Declo Elementary have the right to be/feel safe at school. Bullying has no place in our classrooms, hallways, playground, lunch room etc. Bullying is defined as “ ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behavior that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening. “
If you are aware of ANY child involved in a potential bullying relationship, please call the office immediately. It is all of our responsibilities to keep our students safe.
∙ All students must ride their designated bus unless a written note from the parents is brought to school. Without parental and school permission, no student will be allowed on an alternate bus or other form of transportation.
∙ If your student receives three misconduct slips on the bus, they will be unable to ride the district transportation. Misconduct slips come from the bus driver and will be handled thru Cassia County Transportation department.
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Kind
As a faculty, we endeavor to create an environment where students are kind, responsible, and respectful. With community relationships and support, we desire to give daily opportunities for students to create life-long habits in these areas without a punitive “Gotcha,” mentality.
Hands and feet to yourself
remove hats
Listen and follow directions
Come ready to learn
Inside Voices
Be prepared for success
Take care of our building
Seek to be kind
Speak out for others
Cafeteria Rules
Use indoor voices
Keep hands and feet to yourself at all times.
No throwing food or any other object at any time.
Put tray, utensils, and trash in appropriate containers.
Be respectful to all Cafeteria workers.
Playground Rules
Slides are to be used going down, not up.
sit or lay when in use. Do not stand or jump.
Umbrella Toy
Do not walk/crawl/lay under others as they swing.
No excessive speed or horse-play.
Soccer Goals
do not hang on or climb net or goals.
Basketball courts
Please be careful and courteous with others.
Give appropriate space and distance from others.
One at a time.
No excessive pushing.
Give adequate space so as to not cause a collision.
Do not go too close to the Jr. High.
Do not touch or play around the berm.
Stay within sight of our recess duties.
Read through the student Handbook with your students and make sure they understand what is here.
If your child is not going to be in school, you must call the office or send a note upon their return stating why they were absent. Be specific as to the cause of the absence.
Make sure your child is at school on time each day.
Make sure that your child is dressed appropriately.
Make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Make sure he/she has a coat, hat, gloves, and warm shoes/boots for the winter. If your students lack clothing, please call us and allow us to help you find proper and warm clothing.
Encourage your child to go outside for all recesses. Everyone needs a break from school work and get a little fresh air and exercise.
Notify the teacher in advance of needed school work. Teachers must be notified in the morning in order for the work to be picked up after school.
You must come into the office to check your student out if they are going to be leaving the school grounds for any reason.
Do not let your child arrive at school before 7:40 a.m.
Have your child come directly home after school, rather than staying to play on the school grounds.
When visiting the school, you must check into the office before seeing a teacher or child.
Respond to all requests by the school for communication, such as, behavior logs, truancy letters, agenda books, counseling forms, etc.
Ask your child every day about their day. “What did you learn?” etc.
Learn what the Declo Way is and what it means. Help us to make, “The Declo Way,” a part of your verbiage about school.
“Your child may be photographed and video recorded in our schools in the classroom, at events such as assemblies, concerts, games, etc. for use by the school, the district, parents/guardians like yourself, and the news media
In the rare circumstance that your child needs identity protection because of a criminal conviction or legal investigations around domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, etc. or because of involvement in a witness protection program, please contact the school immediately to create a plan with you and your student.
I have read and understand this notice.”
Withdrawal of Students
If you are moving, please call or come by the school prior to the withdrawal date. The school needs time to complete the necessary paperwork, etc. Your cooperation is always greatly appreciated.
Report Cards
Report cards will be issued to students at the close of each nine-week grading period. Report cards will contain both academic and conduct grades. Attendance will also be reported on the report card.
Concerns and Complaints
Declo Elementary School Staff would like to know of the concerns of students and parents. Every effort should be made to address concerns and resolve complaints at the point of origin. Therefore, if a student, parent or guardian has a concern with a teacher, that teacher should be the first one contacted and the issue discussed with the teacher. If the situation cannot be resolved at the teacher level, school administration may become involved and attempt to mediate the problem. If the principal cannot successfully address the issue, the Superintendent of Schools and the School Board respectively may need to become involved. Please be familiar with the “chain of command.”
Field Trips
All educational trips are authorized subject to the principal’s approval, in accordance with School Board Policy. All trips will be made in school vehicles, unless otherwise authorized and shall be adequately supervised and chaperoned. While on field trips, students are representatives of Declo Elementary School and the community of Declo itself; therefore, students who behave in an inappropriate manner that results in administrative disciplinary referral while on a field trip will not be allowed to go on other field trips. In order to take part in any field trip, a student must have a signed slip-on file with the school. Students who have a current record of disciplinary incidents that stem from behavior indicative of lack of respect for authority or others will not be allowed to attend the field trip. The principal may make an exception to this if the child is accompanied on the trip by a parent/guardian. If a student has been removed from the school bus for discipline purposes, they will not be allowed to attend field trips as well.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are conducted throughout the school year for the protection of our students. All students will participate in a quiet and orderly manner and follow directions of the staff in evacuating the building. During the drill, teachers and students are not to re-enter the building until the bell is rung as an all-clear signal. Teachers are to be aware of the next nearest exit to be used in the case of blocked exits during fire drills. All students are accounted for after they exit