For athletic schedules, check out the school calendar HERE

If you see any mistakes or missing events, please ask your coach/teacher/advisor to send calendar updates to Mr. Cole.

Please see the Athletic Form page on the Declo High School Website for all forms Declo student-athletes need.

Stretches for Healthy Shins and Calves

  • Back calf stretch - Keep back heel on ground

  • Toe Drag - Knees bent, front foot flat on ground, back foot curled with toes pressed against the floor, squat lower for more stretch

  • Kneeling stretch - tops of feet flat on the floor

  • Static Calf stretch - static = don’t move

  • Dynamic Calf stretch - dynamic = move

  • Toes up, Butt out stretch - legs together, knees locked

  • Heel walks - Forward & backwards

  • Toe walks - Forward & backwards

Strengthen : Ankle raises, squats, stationary lunges