Don't forget that Monday, November 18 is our Picture Re-take Day. Ryan Thomas will be here Monday morning to take those pictures. Monday is also the last day to turn in all Butter Braid order forms and and money. Thank you for your support!
24 days ago, Krista Gammon
Project Succeed is having a Book Drive. You can help by donating new or gently used children's books from Pre-K to 12th Grade. You can bring them to the office and we'll get them to Project Succeed. Thank you for your support!
27 days ago, Krista Gammon
Our Lost and Found is overflowing! Please check for any items your student might be missing. You can check the Lost and Found when you come for Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday evening or Friday morning. Anything left will be donated. Thank you! ¡Nuestro Departamento de objetos perdidos está repleto! Por favor, revise si su estudiante no tiene ningún artículo. Puede revisar el Departamento de objetos perdidos cuando venga a las reuniones de padres y maestros el jueves por la tarde o el viernes por la mañana. Todo lo que quede será donado. ¡Gracias!
about 1 month ago, Krista Gammon
It's a Pizza Hut fundraiser day tomorrow! (October 29) Use the code RF when you order and Mountain View will get a percentage of the proceeds.
about 1 month ago, Krista Gammon
Pizza Hut fundraiser use code RF
On Thursday, October 31 students may wear their costumes to school. Please remember these guidelines for costumes at school: There can be no masks, gory costumes, or props that can be used as weapons. The school dress code will still apply. Students also need to be able to sit in their seats and do work with their costumes on. Students may wear some face paint, but it must not cover the entire face or need to be re-applied during the day. Parents are invited to attend our school Halloween Parade at 2:30 p.m.
about 2 months ago, Krista Gammon
Tomorrow is Pizza Hut Day! Order from Pizza Hut and a portion of the proceeds will come to Mountain View. Thank you for your support!
about 2 months ago, Krista Gammon
In an effort to keep students and staff safe and to be prepared for every possibility, we had a practice lockdown drill this morning. Law enforcement was not involved, but will help with one later this year. En un esfuerzo por mantener seguros a los estudiantes y al personal y estar preparados para cualquier posibilidad, realizamos un simulacro de cierre esta mañana. Las fuerzas del orden no participaron, pero ayudarán con uno más adelante este año.
3 months ago, Krista Gammon
You were recently sent an email from the district regarding consent for medical treatment for your student while at school. We are sending home the consent form with your student this week. Please sign and return it to the school by Tuesday, September 3. Without consent, your child will not receive treatment for any injuries or illnesses at school, nor will they be screened for any health conditions or receive basic health related counseling services unless they are experiencing a life-threatening event.
3 months ago, Krista Gammon
Our September newsletter is on the website. Here's the link to see what's happening at Mountain View this month: Don't forget we don't have school on Monday, September 2. Nuestro boletín de septiembre está en el sitio web. Aquí está el enlace para ver qué está pasando en Mountain View este mes: No olvides que no hay clases el lunes 2 de septiembre.
3 months ago, Krista Gammon
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT is Wednesday, August 14, 2024 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Meet the new principal, Melina Ficek. Come meet your teacher and drop off your school supplies. The PTO will be selling school shirts and sweatshirts, and have sign ups for volunteers.
4 months ago, Krista Gammon
Teachers will be sending report cards, test scores, etc. home with their students today. Please check their backpacks when they get home. Yearbooks will be handed out tomorrow morning to the students who have ordered one. Los maestros enviarán boletas de calificaciones, puntajes de exámenes, etc. a casa con sus estudiantes hoy. Por favor revise sus mochilas cuando lleguen a casa. Los anuarios se entregarán mañana por la mañana a los estudiantes que hayan pedido uno.
7 months ago, Krista Gammon
Tomorrow is the last day of school! We will be dismissing students at 12:30. Have a great summer! ¡Mañana es el último día de clases! Saldremos a las 12:30. ¡Que tengas un excelente verano!
7 months ago, Krista Gammon
There was a mistake in our message this morning about field day. The correct time for 3rd and 4th grade is 1:20 -2:35. We apologize for the confusion. Hubo un error en nuestro mensaje de esta mañana sobre el día de campo. El horario correcto para 3.º y 4.º grado es 1:20 -2:35. Nos disculpamos por la confusión.
7 months ago, Krista Gammon
Field Day is Tuesday, May 21. 9:00-10:15 Kinder and AM PK 10:20-11:35 5th & 6th 12:00-1:15 1st & 2nd & PM PK 1:20-1:35 3rd & 4th Don't forget money if you would like to purchase concessions from the PTO - hot dogs, nachos, drinks, cotton candy, etc. Remember sunscreen and tennis shoes, hats are allowed! El día de campo es el martes 21 de mayo. 9:00-10:15 Kínder y PK A.M. 10:20-11:35 5to y 6to 12:00-1:15 1º y 2º y PM PK 1:20-1:35 3º y 4º No olvide dinero si desea comprar concesiones del PTO: hot dogs, nachos, bebidas, algodón de azúcar, etc. Recuerde bloqueador solar y zapatos tenis, ¡se permiten gorras!
7 months ago, Krista Gammon
Field Day is Tuesday,  May 21. 9:00-10:15 Kinder and AM PK 10:20-11:35 5th & 6th 12:00-1:15 1st & 2nd & PM PK 1:20-1:35 3rd & 4th Don't forget money if you would like to purchase concessions from the PTO - hot dogs, nachos, drinks, cotton candy, etc.  Remember sunscreen and tennis shoes, hats are allowed!
If your child participated in the Roaring Readers program this year, we are sending home their Roaring Springs passes today. Please check their backpacks and put their certificates in a safe place. The passes are not replaceable. Si su hijo participó en el programa Roaring Readers este año, hoy enviaremos a casa sus pases de Roaring Springs. Por favor revise sus mochilas y guarde sus certificados en un lugar seguro. Los pases no son reemplazables.
7 months ago, Krista Gammon
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Cassia County School District app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app on May 17th. Download for Android : Download for iPhone :
7 months ago, Cassia County School District
Tomorrow, May 14, is Pizza Hut day! If you order from Pizza Hut and use the fundraiser code PT, Mountain View will receive a percentage of the proceeds. Thank you for your support! ¡Mañana 14 de mayo es el día de Pizza Hut! Si realiza un pedido en Pizza Hut y utiliza el código de recaudación de fondos PT, Mountain View recibirá un porcentaje de las ganancias. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo!
7 months ago, Krista Gammon
Pizza Hut fundraiser use code PT
We still have a few yearbooks available to purchase. You can order one at the office for $20 (cash or check). Yearbooks will be given to the students on the last day of school. Don't miss out on getting a yearbook! Todavía tenemos algunos anuarios disponibles para comprar. Puede pedir uno en la oficina por $20 (efectivo o cheque). Los anuarios se entregarán a los estudiantes el último día de clases. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de conseguir un anuario!
7 months ago, Krista Gammon
Our May newsletter is on the website. Check it out to see what's happening this month at Mountain View! Nuestro boletín de mayo está en el sitio web. ¡Échale un vistazo para ver qué está pasando este mes en Mountain View!
7 months ago, Krista Gammon
Today we had a fire alarm go off at Mountain View Elementary. Students were evacuated and the fire department was dispatched. Upon investigation the fire department determined there was no cause for concern and students returned to their classes. Students did a great job evacuating in a calm and timely manner. Hoy sonó una alarma de incendio en la escuela primaria Mountain View. Los estudiantes fueron evacuados y el departamento de bomberos fue despachado. Tras la investigación, el departamento de bomberos determinó que no había motivo de preocupación y los estudiantes regresaron a sus clases. Los estudiantes hicieron un gran trabajo evacuando de manera tranquila y oportuna.
8 months ago, Krista Gammon