Molly Wright: How every child can thrive by five

A Parent Guide by Dr. Michele Borba, for

Thrivers: Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle & Others Shine

INTRODUCTION: The Running on Empty Generation


  • The Generation of Strivers. Today’s kids are less happy, more stressed, lonely, and depressed when compared to any generation. One in five will be diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Our uber obsession with developing kids’ cognitive strengths diminishes their abilities to shine.

  • The Seven Essential Character Strengths of Thrivers. The difference between those children who struggle and those who succeed is not due to grades or test scores, but to seven teachable character strengths. Each can be taught to children from sandbox to prom. These traits are:

    • 1. Self-confidence: Using personal strengths to find purpose and meaning.

    • 2. Empathy: Understanding and sharing another’s feelings while acting compassionately.

    • 3. Self-control: Managing stress, delaying gratification, and strengthening focus.

    • 4. Integrity: Adhering to a strong moral code, thinking ethically, and leading a moral life.

    • 5. Curiosity: Having an open mind and willingness to try new ideas, take risks & innovate.

    • 6. Perseverance: Exhibiting fortitude, tenacity, and resolve to endure and bounce back.

    • 7. Optimism: Learning self-advocacy and encouraging hope.

  • Turning Strivers into Thrivers. Kids who overcome adversity generally have strong bonds with at least one supportive adult and a set of learned traits that serve as protective factors. Thrivers feel “We’ve got this!” Kids who have never been learned the strengths face a huge life disadvantage.

  • The Multiplier Effect: Character Strength are more powerful when combined with another strength.

  • Assessing Your Child’s Character Strengths. The ultimate goal is to help children adopt each Character Strength as a lifelong habit to optimize their potential to thrive. Your first step is to determine which traits are your child’s strengths right now and which to encourage.


How would you describe your child to someone? What strengths or interests do you see in your child that could help him gain accurate self-knowledge?

My take away: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

For my family: Which of the seven strengths do you see most in yourself and kids?Which would you like to help your children learn? What is your first step?


©2021. Dr. Michele Borba. For more about Dr. Borba and her book, Thrivers see