Michele Borba - Curiosity

A Parent Guide by Dr. Michele Borba, for

Thrivers: Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle & Others Shine

Chapter Five: CURIOSITY

Thrivers are our-of-the-box thinkers. Children who are strong in this strength are open-mindedness to new experiences and thinking, willing to try new ideas and take healthy risks to learn and so they are more likely to be innovative and expand their creative horizons.


• 3 Abilities Nurture Curiosity: 1. Curious mindset; 2. Creative problem-solving; 3. Divergent thinking.

• Curiosity Thrives with Collaboration. This strength flourishes when people-regardless of age-collaborate and build on one another’s work.

• Stretch Comfort Zones. If we want our kids to be open to diversity, they must be exposed to different opinions and learn to collaborate. Start by encouraging low risks. Stop rescuing!

• Provide “Curious” Building Factors. C-Child-driven; U-Unmanaged; R-Risky-a little bit out of child’s comfort zone; I-Intrinsic; O-Open-ended; U-Unusual; S-Solitude: time to contemplate.

• Stretch Inquisitiveness. Instead of, “That won’t work,” try: “Let’s see what happens! Instead of giving answers, ask: “What do you think?” How do you know?” “How can you find out?”

• Teach Brainstorming Rules. Each letter in SPARK stands for one rule. S-Say problem; P-Positives only. A-Add on to create more options. R-Rapid-fire ideas; K-Keep storming until no ideas or time expires.

• Encourage Constructive Arguments. Use acronym ARE. A-Assert: Be brief; share main point of opinion with facts; R-Reason: Support assertion with valid reason; E-Evidence: Offer proof of reason.


Curious kids are passionate about their original ideas and willing to defend them, but must feel support from adults. Do you convey such support to your child?

My take away:


My application: How can I create an environment that lets my kids feel they can take safe creative risks and think outside the box?


Lessons for my family: What is one thing will I do to strengthen my children’s curiosity?______________________________________________________________

©2021. Dr. Michele Borba. For more about Dr. Borba and her book, Thrivers see www.micheleborba.com