Michele Borba - Self Confidence

A Parent Guide by Dr. Michele Borba, for

Thrivers: Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle & Others Shine


Thrivers focus on “who,” not “what.” Self-Confidence is the quiet understanding of “who I am” Children strong in self-confidence recognize their strengths, accept their weaknesses and apply that knowledge to help them find the best path to life success. When potential is unleashed, a child can become the best version of himself.


  • Self-Confidence is the Foundational Strength of Thrivers. All other strengths build from self-confidence.

  • Self-Confidence Is a Superpower. Confidence leads to better academic performance, more resilience, a greater sense of well-being, and more happiness.

  • Core Assets Are Strongest Positive Qualities, Traits and Talents. The acronym, TALENT describes common characteristics of Core Assets: Tenacity, Attention, Learning, Eagerness, Need, and Tone.

  • 3 Abilities Nurture Self-Confidence: 1. Self-awareness; 2. Strength awareness; 3. Finding purpose.

  • Kids are Happiest When in States of Flow: Flow are those peak moments when children are fully absorbed in an activity that uses their strengths.

  • Self-Confidence Is Not Self-Esteem. Real self-confidence is an outcome of facing obstacles, creating solutions and snapping back on your own. Thrivers are self-driven: we must unleash from helicoptering.

  • Use Nouns, Not Verbs to Amplify a Child’s Strength. Using a noun descriptor may motivate kids to use their strength more frequently because they want to pursue a positive identify.

  • Praise Effort, Not Talent. An ultimate goal is for children to develop a strength mind-set – the belief that if she works on her strengths they will improve and help her become her best.


How would you describe your child to someone? What strengths or interests do you see in your child that could help him gain accurate self-knowledge?

My take away: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 questions: Who do I think my kid is? Who does my child think she is? Who doesshe want to become?


Lessons for my family: How will I strengthen my child’s confidence?



©2021. Dr. Michele Borba. For more about Dr. Borba and her book, Thrivers see www.micheleborba.com